Individual Consultation

College / campus distance learning (DL) support staff are available for individual consultations to provide assistance to faculty developing and delivering online courses in the Canvas LMS. For immediate assistance with live course sections, please submit a course support ticket.

Need technical help? Please contact the Helpdesk 24/7 at (330) 672-HELP(4357) or visit
Need LMS training? Visit

Click on a link below to schedule a consultation via the MS Bookings application. Select the type of consultation, then select a date and time from the available options. Depending on the DL support group, you may be able to select a specific staff with whom you want to meet.

Please note: College/campus DL support staff may work fully remote or have hybrid on campus/remote work schedules. Unless an in-person meeting is specifically requested, individual consultations will be conducted remotely via MS Teams.

College/Campus DL Support Staff Bookings Calendars

Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship

College of Aeronautics and Engineering

College of Applied and Technical Studies

College of Architecture and Environmental Design - Submit a course support ticket.

College of the Arts - Submit a course support ticket.

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Communication and Information

College of Education, Health, and Human Services

College of Nursing

College of Public Health - Submit a course support ticket.