The Kent State Online template (KSOT) is designed to help faculty build a quality online course quickly and easily. The template comes pre-loaded with a standard course structure as well as placeholders for course content that can be customized.
The following article describes how to import the Kent State Online template into a course in Canvas. Additional resources regarding Canvas as well as how to obtain individual course support are provided below:
Step 1. Access the Canvas Commons
To import the Kent State Online Template (KSOT) from the Canvas Commons, select the Commons icon in the left-hand navigation of a Canvas course shell.
Step 2. Locate and Select the Kent State Online Template
Type "KSOT" or "Kent State Online Template" into the search bar
Step 3. Import/Download the Kent State Online Template
Review the Preview, Details, and Version notes, then select the Import/Download button.
Note: For quick access to the template in the future, mark it as a favorite by clicking on the Add to Favorites button.
Place a check mark next to the course in which you would like to apply the KSOT and click the Import into Course button.
Note: If you are you do not know the course to which you would like to add the KSOT or you have not created the course yet, click the Download button to download the template and import it into a blank canvas course shell later.
Step 4. Wait for the Import to Complete
Navigate back to your Home page and select Import Existing Content to check the status of the template import.
You will know that the template has finished importing when it displays a status of Completed. Note: the name of the import will say Canvas Common Cartridge rather than KSOT.