Online Degrees website update

Report an issue or request an update or change to the Online Degrees website.

Available to

Everspring partners staff, online degree program staff and faculty.


Please make sure to provide fhe full URL of the page(s) that need updating with a list of the issues and/or proposed changes.

What happens next

Kent State Online website support staff will respond to support tickets during normal work hours, Mon-Fri 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, within 1 business day.

Note: To edit or track the progress of a submitted ticket via the Kent State Online service catalog, you must be signed in. Once signed-in, select Services in the main menu, then Ticket Requests in the sub-menu.

Submit Request


Service ID: 19440
Wed 5/3/17 1:57 PM
Tue 1/21/20 11:52 AM