Remove a resource from a project

Note: Only users with the Project Manager or Alt Project Manger role on a project are able to remove a user as a resource from a project.

Step 1. Select the project to manage.

Expand the list of project components, locate and select Manage.

Step 2. Select the Collaboration component of the project.

Step 3. Click the Actions button, then select Remove Resources.

Step 4. Select the user to remove from the project.

Note: Whether or not a user has actually been assigned to tasks on the project plan, TeamDynamix ALWAYS assumes that to be true. As a result, a user cannot be removed as a resource from a project without also selecting another user to "delegate" their tasks (existing or not) to. Any tasks to which the user being removed from the project is assigned will automatically be reassigned to the user selected in the Delegate To field.

Step 5. Make sure to check the delegation setting before saving changes.


Article ID: 16769
Mon 9/26/16 4:16 PM
Tue 5/23/17 5:30 PM