A MyQM account is required to register for a QM workshop session.
As part of the membership benefits of belonging to the QM Ohio Consortium, the cost for the online sessions are at a reduced rate of $25, and your QMC will receive the invoice. Please note: If you register but cannot attend, you must cancel the day prior to the start of the workshop. Additionally, you must successfully complete the workshop or you will be invoiced for the $25 workshop fee.
Should you need to cancel your registration, please refer to QM’s Cancellation Policy.
Step 1. Login to MyQM
If you already have a QM account, but have forgotten your password, click on "Forgot Password" and follow the instructions.
To create a new account, select the option, "No, I am new here.". (See the second image below).
Login to MyQM here:

Complete the MyQM - User Account Creation form to create your account, then return to the MyQM login page.
- Use your university email to register (this makes it easier to remember later).
- In the Institution/Organization field enter: Kent State University System.
- Record your password in a safe place on your mobile device or computer for easy access.

Step 2. Select the Higher Education category
Note: If this is the first time you are logging in, you will need to accept the terms of agreement and set your category preference to Higher Education.

Step 3. View the list of available workshops
In the left navigation under the MyQM header, locate the Workshop - Register link. Expand the link and select Dedicated Training.

Step 4. Register for the workshop
When selecting a workshop, be sure to double check the Start Date and Location columns. If registering for an online session, be sure that "Online" is listed in the location column.
Locate the APPQMR or IYOC workshop you want to take, then click on the Register link.
Note: Each session has a different start and end date; face-to-face sessions are one day, online sessions are two weeks long.

To complete the registration process, click on the Submit Training Registration button.