Update Additional Course Settings (KSOT)


Course Settings

When using the KSOT, you may wish to review the course settings to ensure that they are set according to your preferences. To get started, choose Settings from your course navigation. Please note a blue checkmark appears next to the settings that are enabled by default when using the KSOT.

➜ KSOT Settings Overview (3m 16s)

KSOT Course Settings/Status

Review the guides below for additional information on each Setting:

 Course Setting

 KSOT Status

 Show recent announcements on the course home page. 


 Allow students to attach files to discussion replies.


 Allow students to create new discussion topics.


 Allow students to edit or delete their own discussion replies.


 Allow students to create their own student groups.


 Hide student grade totals in Grades. 


 Hide the grade distribution graphs in Grades.


 Disable comments on announcements.




Article ID: 164412
Mon 10/14/24 1:44 PM
Tue 10/29/24 10:57 AM