Using iSpring quizzes with a template


iSpring offers the ability to add quiz questions directly into narrated presentations. However, using the iSpring Quiz feature should only be done for self-check quizzes, not graded quizzes. There are also very limited types of questions (mutliple choice, true false, fill-in-the-blank, etc.) that would work well in this environment if you want to provide answer feedback. You would not want to use the iSpring Quiz for essay or short answer questions.

iSpring Quiz template

A template has been created to make integrating an iSpring Quiz into your presentation more streamlined. The template has disabled many of the default iSpring Quiz settings that are not pertinent to students for a self-check quiz, such as the Welcome Slide, Results Slides, and point displays.

Importing the template

Within your PowerPoint presentation, create a blank slide where you would like to put the quiz. With that slide selected, choose Quiz from the ribbon menu under the iSpring tab. This will bring up the iSpring QuizMaker menu. Under the Recent Quizzes option, select Browse... and navigate to OLT>Style and Naming Guides>iSpring Template>iSpring 8 in Egnyte to find the iSpring Quiz Template.quiz file.

Using the template

Left hand navigation

The template is set up so that the Welcome and Results slides are disabled. This allows the iSpring presentation to easily transition into the Quiz from the previous slide and out of the Quiz to the next slide with minimal clicks by the student.

A Multiple Choice question template has been included in the file. This placeholder question can be copied (by right-clicking the question in the menu, then Copy + Paste) for as many questions as you have, or you can choose Graded Question from the menu at the top and choose a different question type, if necessary.

Editing the question and answers

Replace the example text in the question field with your own question. You are also able to insert a picture and/or audio from the presenter if necessary.

Replace the Answer placeholders with the corresponding multuple choice options for the question. Make sure to mark which one is correct (the first option is marked by default). You can add or subtract the amount of choices as necessary.

Editing feedback

In the Feedback and Branching menu, you can edit the response given to students when a question is answered correctly or incorrectly.

Click the "..." at the end of the option to edit the feedback.

You can even add audio feedback if you have it. Note: if you only have one feedback audio file that provides general feedback on the correct answer, you can attach it to both the Correct and Incorrect feedback responses.

Wrapping up

Adjusting the player settings

If you need to change the quiz background to better match the color/theme of the presentation, you can adjust the player properties under the Player option in the top menu.


When you are finished creating the questions, you can preview them before saving and exiting the QuizMaker by selecting the Preview option in the top menu.


Once you are happy with how your question(s) are set up, select the Save and Return to Course option in the top menu to insert the quiz into the presentation.

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