Publishing iSpring presentations

Step 1. Complete the presentation

Before publishing your iSpring presentation, make sure that the slides are complete and you have added any audio files that are needed.

Note: Separate guides for adding audio to your presentation are also available.


Step 2. From the iSpring Suite Tab, select Presenters

Select Presenters


Step 3. Select a presenter or add a new one

1.    Make sure that the "Default" box is checked for the presenter you wish to show for this presentation.
2.    If you need to add a new presenter, click "Add...", fill in the appropriate information in the pop-up window, and then click "OK".
3.    Click "OK" to exit the Presenter menu.
Note: Be sure to include both the name and an image of the presenter. It is recommended that you avoid other information such as a job title and phone number because this information has the potential to change.

Select a presenter


Step 4. Preview & Publish

You can preview your presentation by clicking the Preview button. When you are satisfied with your presentation, click Publish

Preview and Publish


Step 5. Name the presentation and choose where to save

Name and Save


Step 6. Double check the settings and click Publish

NOTE: Use the 'LMS' option, not the 'WEB' option.  Be sure to check this setting even if you have used the templates, iSpring often defaults to 'WEB'.

Make sure that you have imported both the Player template and the Settings template. Double check the settings as needed and then click Publish.

Check settings and publish


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Article ID: 30086
Tue 5/9/17 11:55 AM
Thu 6/18/20 11:09 AM