Course References List document

The Course References List is a document listing the citations for the materials in the course. Its purpose is twofold:

  1. to provide students with citations of materials they may potentially be using in their course work;
  2. to provide an example for how to properly cite materials in order to meet Quality Matters standard 4.3. 

The Course References List should be added to the Start Here folder. A hidden placeholder content item is available in the KSOT+ template. 

What to Include in the Document

Materials that should be listed in the document include course learning materials such as books, articles, websites, videos, or other works not created by the course developers or by the development team working on the course.

Anything considered original thought material does not need to be cited. Course learning materials created by course developers or the development team do not need to be included in the document. For example, narrated presentations, introduction videos, assignment directions, and module overviews do not need to be included in the document.

If copyrighted or externally sourced materials are used in part to create course learning materials that would otherwise not require a citation, the copyrighted or externally sourced material should be cited within the course learning material. For example, a course developer uses a copyrighted or externally sourced image as part of a narrated presentation. The image(s) should either be cited on the slide or at the end of the narrated presentation.

A course developer may elect to have their created works listed on the Course References List, although it is not required. 

See the attached example document, UXD Principles and Concepts References List.pdf.

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Article ID: 28441
Thu 3/30/17 2:13 PM
Wed 4/17/19 2:37 PM